Everyone's Avatar - Public Infinity

I don't know if I'm the first but I've decided to create an avatar that anyone can use. I'm interested in seeing if people will have a reason to use him/her.

Do you want a change from your own avatar? Do you want to interact with people you normally do and see if they act differently with this avatar? Do you just want to have fun messing with someone else's avatar? Let me know your reason(s) should you use Public. I'm intersted.

You are welcome to send me pictures of changes you make to this avatar and I will post them. I also welcome comments about using him/her on my blog. If this becomes popular enough I will create a separate blog for it.

Currently Public is a man. Feel free to change that as well. I ask that you do not change Public's log in information or account information so that he/she can remain useful to the public. Thank You in advance.

Now to the important stuff! To log in and take advantage of this offer use the information below.

Your avatar name is: Public Inifinity

Your password is: pandes

Public's current SL location: New New York - Times Square

Email for this avatar is received at infinitypublic@gmail.com

I will be taking your questions and/or comments either at Public's email, my own or here on this blog. Have fun!

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